Fishkind, Bakewell, Maltzman, Hunter, & Associates is now Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons!

Providing the same excellent eye care because It Matters Who You See!

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Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Sat & Sun: Closed
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(520) 355-7501
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(520) 293-6740
Eye Care Specialists Tucson Eye Care Specialists Tucson

Welcome to Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons

The #1 Eye Doctors and Optometrists in Tucson for Over 30 Years!

Eye Care Specialists Tucson

Welcome to Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons

The #1 Eye Doctors and Optometrists in Tucson for Over 30 Years!

Please Fill Out the Form Below or Call Us to Make an Appointment

The Tucson Eye Care You’ve Been Looking For!

Our dedicated eye doctors and highly trained staff offer comprehensive ophthalmic services for the entire family. Check out why local Tucsonans choose Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons as their Ophthalmologist and Eye Care in Tucson:

If you’re ready to learn how Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons can help you achieve greater comfort and better eyesight, please contact us today and get started with an eye exam. You may also email us through this site to learn more about our practice and eye doctors. Remember- It matters who you see.

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5-Star Rated Eye Doctors in Tucson, AZ

Hear What Our Customers Say About Our Eye Exams and Eye Care Services! Take care of your vision with the best eye doctors in Tucson! Contact Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons.

Our Oracle Eye Physicians & Surgeons Eye Care Locations

Find the best eye care location in Tucson for you. Schedule an appointment with our eye doctors and get your visions health back on track. Contact us today if you have any questions about our eye care locations. 

Find Our Tucson Eye Care Centers On The Map

Tucson Office and Surgery Center

5599 N Oracle Rd
Tucson, AZ 85704
Phone: 520-293-6740
Fax: 520-293-6771

Oro Valley Office

10425 N Oracle Rd Suite 135
Tucson, AZ 85737
Phone: 520-293-6740
Fax: 520-293-6771

Arizona Eye Laser Center

6837 N Oracle Rd Suite 135
Tucson, AZ 85704
Phone: 520-293-6740
Fax: 520-293-6771

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Appointment